You may want to know my husband found him today. Neighbor said that the cage was there yesterday.

You left this little boy in the heat??? Next to a shed, where neighborhood dogs and feral cats had a chance at him, where the sun gets an opportunity to beat down on him? You left him with two pieces of bologna for food? The water bottle laying on its side so he couldn't get water?
He was out there for over 24 hours, what were you thinking? The neighbor would see him? The

neighbor doesn't save ferrets, he saw a cage with a crappy hammock in it, he thought that I must have left a cage there to take out with the trash. Thank God my husband has the sense to knows better and checked the cage.
I wasn't even home, I was on my way to do an education day at Petco, and the car broke down. What is even scarier is the fact that we were going to take the day and go for a long ride, and not come home till evening, but then the Wadsworth Petco had a grand opening and I thought maybe the shelter would be better served if I were there.
Let me guess, you are one of those folks who are on the waiting list to surrender, one of those folks who’s heart is breaking because they need to surrender their ferret because the ferret has become an inconvenience in their lives. One of those folks who knew that they had to move, but decided that they didn't have to spend time looking for a place that allows pets, I am sure that you cried the whole way while sneaking the cage into the back yard. Just like the one who brought a ferret in the trunk of her car two weeks ago. Oh, so heart broken.
I am sure your heart was breaking while you looked at apartments, I am sure your heart was breaking when you filled out the surrender form 9 days ago saying you have to move in 14 days, or however long you had. I am sure your heart was breaking when you got the email telling you we are at capacity, and waiting list is over four weeks, I am sure your heart was breaking when you read the suggestions I had for you to take a proactive role in finding a home for your ferret.
I am sure your heart was breaking when you found out that you weren't getting off the hook that easy, and I wasn't going to make you feel better about having to get up your ferret.
I am sure your heart was breaking, I hope you have nightmares you piece of sh**.
God bless you Jean. It's a miracle that this baby survived. These are tough times for shelters, and I know when you say you're at capacity, that's to be respected.
There's going to be a special event on the other side as these people pass over that have been cruel to animals. The piece of s&*t that dropped this baby off will have a seat next to the one who left me a cardboard box taped shut with two babies in it recently.
May God bless you with many wonderful adoptions, so that you can once again make room for those with dark hearts that bellow false cries and wetless tears as they force their "beloved" ferrets on you to care for and love.
Your friend,
Barb Clay
Dir of Shelter Affairs for Rocky's
I'm so glad you didn't find him DEAD. With the kind of temps we've had, that's a miracle in itself.
If someone is that desperate to dump their ferret, why couldn't they put a free ad in the paper??? Not the best thing to do, but still better than dumping him where someone may or may not find him in time...they couldn't even leave him on the shaded porch??? What is WRONG with people???
We all have choices to make in life and sometimes they aren't always the best. But as a pet owner and pet lover this person must have been desperate enough to leave his or her pet in your yard. They must have known your shelter existed and at least took it to a place that he or she knew it would be taken care of, instead of just leaving it along the road somewhere to die. This person in their own way TRIED to at least give it a chance. I am not for one minute saying it was right, but under pressure people do what they feel is best even if it isn't right. I'm sure this person loved this pet even though it might not appear that way. I feel sorry for you now that you are further burdened and I feel sorry for the person who is without their pet. I personally thank you and others for having rescue places like your available.
It's great that you have this program and you should be thankful that someone would bring thier ferret to you instead of the many other horrible things they could have chosen to do. This was obviously an inconvenience but you were there to save him. I think however it is kind of harsh to name call at this point even though what this person did was clearly wrong but you will never know the circumstances under which this occured. But you did a good deed.
Where is the ferret now? I will take it. If you are still at capacity I maybe able to take a ferret from your hands. I live in Painesville I am a college student and full time third shifter but after i eliminate the fleas in my apt the ferret will have a friend ready and waiting. my email is
"They did the best they could under current pressures" or something to that fact. Give me a break. Humans are the least compassionate mammals on this earth. We make excuses for each other so the next time we want to act out on some rediculous behavior we wont feels so bad about ourselves. It's horrendous behavior and nothing excuses it.
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