by Dona Clashman
My husband and I love ferrets, a passion so great that he became a member of the board of directors at Ferrets Unlimited Rescue Services.
A few months back we received an email from Crystal, FURS intake coordinator, regarding FURS latest rescue a tiny, malnourished, chocolate ferret. The woman handed him to Crystal in a large hamster ball and gave her the rest of his "food" a cheap bag of hamster seed.
Crystal quietly took him from her and immediately rushed him to the vet's office. He was so weak and covered in fleas. His future did not look good due to anemia, from the fleas, and was so skinny he only weighed 15 oz.
Crystal took this little baby home and cleaned him up and treated him for the flea infestation. It took two baths and hours of combing to remove all the fleas.
I contacted Crystal and offered to foster this poor little one, as I knew his care was going to be extensive. Two days later he arrived at our home.
As soon as I saw him my heart sank deep into my chest and I wondered HOW could someone neglect him so bad. I knew from the moment I held his limp little body in my arms he belonged here with us, that he would not be just a foster but had already found his forever home.
He could not walk or stand and needed to be syringe fed, as he was so weak he could not eat or drink on his own. I saw in his sunken eyes that he had the will to live.
I fed him every two hours for the first week and after 4 days he was able to stand on his own. He was very shaky but was standing. He gained 6 1/2 ounces that first week. Within two weeks he was walking and eating on his own. Each passing day he became stronger.
Three months later he is a very happy and healthy ferret weighing in at 2 pounds 10 1/2 ounces.
We named him Patch because of the white patches on his knees, but is also known as mama's little man. He is the happiest ferret I have ever meet dooking non-stop. He loves to go outside to play and is discovering all kinds of new toys. He is now getting to know his brothers and sisters too.
In June, Patch got the honor of being Ferret of the Month at ferret.com's forum.
We are forever grateful to Crystal, without whom he would have died a very painful death.
Patch will never have to again endure a life of going without food or love.
If you have ever considered becoming a foster or adoptive "ferrent" (ferret parent) PLEASE do so as the rewards are beyond words.
Keep dooking!
Dona and Rick
Please help support the ferrets in our care! We are a 501(c)(3) charity and can accept your tax-deductible donations online via PayPal. It's quick and easy and you can make a donation of any amount with your credit card, check card, or personal check! Every dollar helps a ferret in need!
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